Category: Lawn Fertilization
3 Benefits of Lawn Fertilization
If you’re a new homeowner in Indiana, you might not yet be fully accustomed to caring for a lawn. You may think you can skip things like watering and fertilization, and just let nature do its thing. However, our team at Green Works Lawn Care is here to tell you that, if you want a […]
Caring for Your Lawn in Extreme Heat
Summer in Carmel, Indiana, has finally set in and we’re all starting to feel the effects of the extreme summer heat. While you’re sweating it out and searching for air conditioning, remember that your lawn is also feeling the burden of extreme heat and thus going into conservation mode. Before you panic, take some advice […]
Lawn Care
Is Professional Lawn Service Right for You?
Have you ever considered hiring a professional to handle your lawn care needs? Some homeowners love spending their free time lugging around bags of fertilizer and working to get their lawn just right. But if that’s not you, you might be surprised to find that there are many benefits to outsourcing that you might not […]
Start Thinking about Your Summer Lawn Now!
Well folks, we’ve survived another brutal Indiana winter. Though freezing temperatures and snow may still be in our near future, spring is just over the horizon and it’s time to start readying your lawn for summer. If your lawn is looking patchy, weedy, and not very green now, chances are you’ll have the same problem […]
3 Tips for Revitalizing Your Lawn This Spring
Without any sunshine and warmth, winter can really wreak havoc on our lawns, especially in Indiana where the temperature tends to fluctuate. Cure your lawn of the winter blues, and get it in tip-top shape for the changing season. Here’s how our professionals at Green Works Lawn Care can revitalize your lawn for the spring […]
3 Lawn Care Tips this Fall
As seasons shift into fall, lawn care needs to change from growth to maintenance. Fall is the prime time to set the stage for a beautiful lawn next year. The lawn care experts at Green Works Lawn Care are proud to set Carmel and surrounding Indy-area homeowners up for success. If you’re ready to retire the landscaping tools […]
Schedule Your Spring Lawn Care
Temperatures are on the rise in Indiana, which means that it’s time to start thinking about your spring lawn care. At Green Works Lawn Care of Carmel, IN, we recommend that in addition to cleaning up your lawn from the effects of winter that you consider some of the following services to keep your lawn […]
The Value of Winterizing Your Lawn
You may have read the debates about whether to winterize your lawn. Winterization is the application of a fertilizer in late fall, specially formulated to nourish your lawn throughout the winter months. However, if you do a quick Internet search, you can find a lot of information out there both supporting and denying the need […]
3 Reasons To Fertilize Your Lawn
You hate to admit it, but your grass hasn’t been quite as vibrant as you would have hoped this year, and you’re ready to make a change. You’ve been considering professional lawn care and wonder whether the experts could help your lawn’s health. One key ingredient to having a healthy lawn is year-round fertilization. Let our […]
Lawn Care
Spring Lawn Care
Indiana has recently experienced some warmer days. The promise of spring is upon us, and you know what that means: Now is the time to get your lawn ready to grow and thrive in the months ahead. You don’t want to wait too much longer with it comes to spring lawn care, or you could […]